
Time-starved corporate decision makers who are expected to do more, in less time and with fewer resources

Written by Noel Huelsenbeck | Jul 19, 2022 11:25:09 AM

Are you expected to do more, in less time, with fewer resources? My guess would be yes, at least the telecom and financial folks we work with on a daily basis, and our staff here at Vocio would agree.

Lets flip it around. Is there a way you could be expected to do less, be given more time, along with regaining resources? Could you become more productive and get better results? Isn't that the goal whenever we employ technology? There was a report authored by Aberdeen in November titled: "The Real Return on Investment of Total Telecom Cost Management"

In the report Aberdeen states "Recent Aberdeen research has revealed nearly 80% of companies have formal telecom spend management programs in place. But Best-in-Class enterprises outperform their peers by leveraging automation technology and process improvements to achieve larger cost reductions and improved employee productivity."

Now Aberdeen focuses on the Fortune 500 and they're more likely to have formal telecom spend management programs then our typical client, which is a mid market enterprise. A large percentage of mid market enterprises have no formal policies.

The Aberdeen research, along with our personal experience indicates a lack of formal policies and use of technology automation leads to those enterprises having higher costs and employees that are less productive. That doesn't mean they aren't working as hard, it means they don't have the tools to automate manual processes so they aren't able to be as productive.

We know TEM software can increase productivity and automate manual processes but many companies don't proceed due to a lack of a clear cut ROI on the expense of the software? Aberdeen cites "challenges in the calculation of ROI and productivity gains of various corporate initiatives" as a major challenge. For TEM we took it to mean our potential clients aren't sold on the benefits and may be holding back from using our software.

So how do we calculate ROI and productivity gains for implementing Telecom Expense Management Software? Our solution is to provide a pilot project that allows you to send us invoices and then gauge the results. The pilot program has been a great way for us to prove the ROI and productivity gains to enterprises leary of the expense for software. The pilot project is completed with little or no impact on internal resources.

If you're a time-starved corporate decision makers who is expected to do more, in less time and with fewer resources give us a call and see if we can help you get a clear picture of the ROI. You just may get some time and resources back.